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    Quickmediator signs joint venture in the US with Eric Riess and Steve Wooldridge

    July 12, 2014 2:50 am

    ericrriesssteve wooldridge foto

    Eric R. Riess is arranging all the franchise documents for the US.


    Steve Wooldridge is the man to connect when you want to join Quickmediator in your area!





    Quickmediator is expanding worldwide with mediators. The US is one of the biggest markets in mediation, often people use a mediator with a divorce. Quickmediator provides a 5 step plan the Quick5, to a fast solution for a divorce or a conflict.

    It is not only the Quick5, but the price, we can do a Quick5 for $ 1000-$2500 . People are saving a lot of money, and it is better for the relation of the ex partners and their children, they have to go on with eachother. When you have been spending a lot of time and money for years in court, the relation will not be better but worse.

    The market is huge in the US, we are on number 2 in divorces (after russia) so there is a lot of business to do for a franchisee. The best franchisee are people who have life and work experience, the 40-50 plus people are mostly ideal to become a succesful Quickmediator.

    We arrange education, leadgeneration and settle your company very fast in the market in your area with an unique marketingplan.

    My name is Steve Wooldridge and we are going to make Quickmediator very big in the US. Do you want to join our succes in your area? Just send an email or call me!


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