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    Ernesto Crespo discovered Quick mediator franchise in Europe, I was immediately very enthusiastic!

    January 7, 2014 9:27 pm

    Ernesto Crespo discovered Quick mediator franchise in Europe, I was immediately very enthusiastic! 


    I was in Europe and discovered the formula Quick Mediator , as I thought, this formula should be equal to Canada . We have no franchise formula for mediators here.

    What I saw was on the process , which is so well conceived that almost anyone with a conflict may apply . Quick Mediator is also the creator of the Quick5 in 5 Steps to a resolution of a conflict .

    I have the main organization in Europe approached and who were also excited about my huge network franchise.
    We have already run the first appointments for new franchisees .
    Essential is to get first masters for the various regions of Canada.
    The master sells franchise licenses and supervised the franchisees in their daily work .

    Quick Mediator provides the franchisee training as a mediator, plus the use of all the facilities to receive an Successful office!
    The lead generators ofvQuick Mediator provide enough requests to do many Mediations.
    It distinguishes Quick Mediator is so beautiful with low cost, have a high result .
    A Quick5 cost between $ 1,500 – $ 2,500 and – in 5 steps to resolve any conflicts .
    Due to the very competing motor price each franchisee will quickly generate a very good sales in his or her region.

    Ernesto has a long experience in franchise, more then 30 years Ernesto Crespo has been in the franchise business.

    Global Net Franchises
    Tel: 1+905-769 4930
    Cell 1+416 522 7220

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